24 Oct

There are some Chinese cuisines that have managed to make a bold statement out there. These cuisines are what admired and accepted in different parts of the world. Among all these cuisines the Sichuan foods have really managed to draw attention from across the globe. And now the best Sichuan food in London is what delivering great taste to both the visitors and local here.

At the top Chinese restaurant and bar located in London, the food is served under a proper Chinese setting. While following the traditional Chinese food preparation methods, these foods are prepared and served to guests. This is how they are also able to keep the authentic taste of these cuisines intact for such a long period of time. Hailed in China and now making a big buzz in London, the best Sichuan foods are here!


As the Sichuan food was first originated in the Sichuan province located in South-Western China, such a name is also added for these cuisines. As far as the taste of the Sichuan food is concerned, they are very spicy as well as flavorful.

Most of the time, Sichuan foods are the preserved ones and to preserve them sating, drying and pickling like methods are followed. These preserved dishes can be served as the spicy dishes with the ample application of chilly-oil. There are also some other spices used to prepare the best Sichuan food in London and these are star anise, ginger, peppers, garlic, and chili.

Best for those who love flavors

If you are among those who prefer to have some sort of spiciness in your foods, then the Sichuan food of China can really meet your expectations in the best possible manner. And now you can have such cuisines even when you are in London.

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